Enhancing the views of experts, researchers and scholars in sport and public health through requires intensive focus on specialized scientific programs. Improving human being in terms of his intellectual, cultural, behavioral, and health dimensions must be merged with other development programs as a basis for conducting scholarly studies. Furthermore, the programs of public health plays an important role in addressing the other dangerous phenomenon such as crimes, violence, egoism, introvercy and continuous stress. The latter,which is dominant in some communities, enhances the culture of team work, accepting other people’s opinions, one team one spirit approach, and social collective programs. All these are major demands on which all details of human development is based.
1. To design and develop global programs to link health and sports sciences to development programs to ensure that plans and strategies are integrated to promote human development. 2. To support, encourage and publish specialized studies concerned with spreading the culture of development related to sports and public health programs. 3. To enhance opportunities for cooperation between international and local institutions for the purpose of establishing joint programs concerned with designing development plans from a public health &physical sports perspective, while introducing the efforts and role of these institutions. 4. To explore the most important experiences and practices of countries, institutions and individuals in fine-tuning sports programs and development programs in order to benefit from it in the assessment and expansion of successful models of those experiences. 5. To provide more opportunities to exchange experiences and views between specialists and stakeholders with regard to themes of the conference in order to come up with visions, ideas and programs that help in accelerating the achievement of the above objectives and increasing the experience of participants through being updatedon the latest developments and themes of the conference.
1. The importance of supporting and sponsoring primary and higher educational programs and studies which focus on linking public health programs and physical sports to the plans and strategies of comprehensive development.
2. Studies on educational programs and institutions concerned with public health sciences and sports related to development programs.
3. Rehabilitation programs for of the disabled people for a healthier life through the inclusion of their cases in development plans and programs.
4. Studying the products and industries related to sports and public health and their multiple effects on developing various capacities of the human.
5. The role of sports and physiotherapy centers and medical tourism in enhancing development programs.
6. The role of food and pharmaceutical industries in supporting public health programs and physical sports and their relationship with comprehensive development programs.
7. The impact of community participation and the role of civil society organizations in spreading the culture of group sport and its role in promoting development programs.
8. Studies on the sciences related to public health and physical fitness programs that are compatible with comprehensive development strategies.
9. The role of joint sport programs in achieving social integration and peaceful coexistence and its impact on achieving inclusive development and addressing negative social phenomena.
10. Learning from the experiences and best practices of countries, institutions and individuals in fine-tuning sports programs and development programs.
11. Ways and means of using digital technologies in spreading the cultures and programs of sports and their role in achieving development and welfare of societies.
12. Innovative approaches to the development of preventive health programs that contribute to the success of inclusive development strategies.
13. The role of mass media in raising the awareness of society about the need for sport and its importance to achieve well-being and inclusive development.
14. Tourismsport programs and their role in promoting development programs through optimal investment mechanisms.
15. Studies in international programs and institutions concerned with public health and sports sciences and their impact on the promotion of development strategies.
16. The role of decision-makers in spreading the culture of sport and public health as well as the implementation of related programs.